Are you ready to deepen your spiritual exploration
by journeying in profound connection with this powerful Spirit Guide?
Introducing the Goddess Temple's:
Master Plant Medicine Dieta
for deep healing and as training for Facilitator students committed to the sacred medicine path tradition
A 16-day guided journey and initiation to develop a deep, profound sacred and reverent connection and union with the Spirit of Cacao to become significantly evolved at this time in your spiritual evolution.
Starts Wed October 23, 2024
What exactly is a Plant Medicine Dieta?
A shamanic Plant Medicine Dieta is a spiritual practice rooted in the indigenous traditions of the Amazon basin, integral to igniting deep healing and if desired, to prepare one to share this medicine with others.
This profound journey isn't merely a training but an initiation that honors the deep lineage and the Cacao plant as a sentient being. Engaging in a Dieta means entering into a respectful and reciprocal relationship with the Cacao Spirit, fostering a bond that is essential before sharing her medicine in ceremonies.
It involves a deep, ceremonial engagement with specific medicinal plants, guided by the knowledge and rituals of a shaman or spirit-sanctioned healer.
At the heart of the Dieta is the understanding that Cacao is more than a plant; it is a master teacher and guide.
If it's your desire to serve her medicine authentically, one must first learn directly from the Cacao Spirit, receiving her teachings and wisdom.
The Dieta provides this by immersing the participant in a period of intensive interaction with the plant, including dietary restrictions, meditative practices, and ceremonial intake of Cacao under guided conditions.
This process purifies the body and mind, enhancing receptivity to the spiritual insights Cacao offers.
The analogy for this practice is similar to preparing to teach someone else’s work; one must thoroughly understand and embody the original creator’s essence and intentions before accurately and respectfully conveying them to others.
Just as a scholar would immerse themselves in the study of a philosopher’s writings before teaching their concepts, a Cacao facilitator must deeply connect with Cacao’s spirit and essence.
This is not only a form of respect but a necessity to ensure that what is transmitted in ceremonies is true to the spirit of Cacao, honoring her as a teacher and guide in every cup shared.
The Cacao Dieta is therefore a crucial foundation for anyone called to be a Cacao Facilitator, ensuring that their work not only resonates with the authenticity and depth of the ancient traditions but also contributes meaningfully to the participants' spiritual journey.

Is the Goddess Temple Cacao Plant Medicine Deep Dive Dieta
the same as a Plant Medicine Dieta?
A Divine channeling directly from the Cacao Spirit Guide.
The Goddess Temple Cacao's Deep Dive Dieta has roots in the revered Plant Medicine Dieta, divinely channeled from the Cacao Spirit to both Judy and Konstantine (from The Biko Method). It's tailored to both of their energies as embodied facilitators, to support you in connecting deeply with the Cacao Spirit for those experiencing rapid shifts in awareness and consciousness.
While it shares the core essence of the ancestral approach—deep communion with the Cacao Spirit—this Dieta incorporates specific elements guided directly by the Spirit of Cacao.
These elements were included by the Spirit of Cacao to optimize the connection between the facilitator and the Cacao Spirit, facilitating a profound transformation that aligns with the rapid evolution of human consciousness today:
Daily calls
Cacao Powder Addition
Specific Heating Temperatures
Twice Daily Consumption
These tailored elements ensure that participants in the Goddess Temple Cacao's Deep Dive Dieta not only honor the traditional ways of connecting with plant spirits but also engage in a modern, intensified approach that is responsive to the needs of today’s spiritual growth.
This blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary daily communion practice creates a powerful platform for personal transformation and spiritual service.
The Goddess Temple
Cacao Deep Dive Master Plant Medicine Dieta
We're living in a time of great change as the old global systems break down and crumble
Is CACAO calling to you?
Are you on an Accelerated Spiritual Journey with a higher calling to support the rise of the world's Collective Consciousness?
Some are experiencing in 2 years an accelerated Spiritual Growth that would normally take a lifetime. Do you feel this is your experience??

What a gift that we have this wonderful, heart- opening Cacao medicine, to journey every day to meet the Cacao Spirit.
The Cacao Spirit will support us by bringing our subconscious Emotional Footprints (our stories and conditioned limiting programs) into light, to be acknowledged, loved and released.
This creates inner guidance, keeping us motivated and inspired, through clarity and inner wisdom to navigate the unknown changes ahead.
Just as the world seems to be in chaos and suffering, some of the greatest collective and personal growth can occur.
16 Days connecting deeply with the Cacao Spirit, receiving her teachings and wisdom, so that you can let go of the stories and limiting beliefs that are holding you back from your next level of evolution
How does this Cacao Dieta create enormous transformation + elevate your consciousness?
- bringing light to our conditioned beliefs and stepping into the powerful Beings that we are, with Cacao supporting us in this transformation.
- the Spirit of Cacao has directed specific amounts of Ceremonial Cacao daily, for this DEEP DIVE & a specific heating process to receive more accelerated teachings of this Master Plant Medicine. As you evolve faster than ever before in humanity, the Cacao Spirit works with you through this DEEP DIVE to expand an Infinite awareness onto those who are answering the Call.

Experience 16 days of guided Ceremony, to establish a sacred, profound relationship directly with the Cacao Spirit
Meet Your Guide, Judy Machado
Judy's beloved relationship with the Cacao Plant Spirit, began when working intimately with a Shipibo-Conibo trained Shaman followed by an Andean Medicine Man.
Trained and Spirit sanctioned/initiated teacher, Judy's purpose is to hold sacred space, mesmerizing others into remembering through daily rituals, Ceremonies, Cacao Deep Dive DIETA Journeys, Ceremony Facilitator Trainings and Wellness Retreats in Peru & the Azores.
As she was working with Konstantine Bisbikos on another healing program, they both received specific instructions from the Spirit of Cacao, on how to guide others to journey deep with her through what is called the Goddess Temple Cacao Deep Dive Dieta.

Judy is your GUIDE, honoring the Cacao and the lineage while leading you into a deep, profound sacred and reverent journey, connection and union with the Cacao Spirit, where you will become significantly transformed at this time in your Spiritual EVOLution.
The Cacao Consciousness DEEP DIVE is for anyone who is already on an accelerated spiritual journey, has received a calling from Cacao, and perhaps even on a mission to share your gifts & support the rise of the collective consciousness.
Awaken Your Higher Heart
Our Higher heart is a magnificent portal into higher Consciusness
Release Emotional Footprints
Your conditioned beliefs will surface and you will be guided to release them on your own, as well with Konstantine, during a personalized session.
Change Your Reality
As you raise into a higher Consciousness, your reality shifts and life becomes more effortless

Experience the wisdom of the Cacao Spirit
You will be guided to adjust your diet during this 16-Day Ceremony. All foods have Consciousness and communicate with us. Cacao has specifically suggested certain foods to remove from this 16-day Ceremony so that the Spirit of Cacao can connect with you more profoundly during this period.

Surrender to the guidance of the Cacao Spirit
You will be guided to direct all of your questions and thoughts to the Cacao Spirit during this 16-Day Ceremony. You will become aware of how often you look outside of yourself to others, for acknowledgment, advice and approval and will be directed instead to bring all that curiosity to your Cacao Spirit Guide. When we ask, we receive. This 16-day ceremony will fundamentally shift your connection to infinite source energy.

Experience the Spirit of Cacao taking you back Home
You will experience a deep connection and communication with this Sacred Plant Medicine, receiving insights and knowings relevant to your life and to the overall human journey especially during this time of extreme change. You will forever grow this profound connection and support to guide you into Infinite Source Consciousness.
Imagine feeling Divinely safe and guided all the time!
What if........
You can be connected so deeply with a Spirit Guide through a 16-day guided journey Divinely channeled by the Spirit herself...
Supporting you to:
Open your heart and connect to your feelings and emotions
Surrender into the insights, memories, thoughts, feelings and knowings that are suddenly sprinkled into your awareness by the Cacao Spirit
Welcome and "see" all those stories and limited beliefs from higher perspectives and with your open heart, ignite the compassion needed to surrender the story and rise into higher awareness
Develop a profound and sacred relationship with the Cacao Master Plant Medicine and Consciousness Spirit, igniting in you rememberings and knowings every day
Unravel more and more of your purpose and divinity
"It is my greatest honor to guide you through this Sacred relationship journey with the Cacao Spirit Guide and support you to be guided, nurtured and deeply connected to this Sovereign Plant Medicine"
Judy Machado xx

Goddess Temple Cacao Deep Dive Master Plant Medicine Dieta
A divine portal for next level clarity & consciousness
When You Join us for the Goddess Temple Cacao Deep Dive Dieta & Facilitators Training...
...Here's everything included in this Cacao Deep Dive Dieta:
#1: Opening + Closing Ceremony followed by a final group call with Judy
These online ceremonies will be 3 hours each and will be instrumental in igniting your Relationship with Self.

#2: Daily group calls & support During Deep Dive Dieta
Judy will be hosting Ceremonies, live calls, a What's App group, and live zoom trainings, guiding and supporting you daily through this entire sacred 16-day initiation.
#3: Goddess Temple Cacao Ceremony Playlist
Goddess Temple has created a gorgeous Cacao Consciousness Ceremony Playlist and a Deep Ceremony Playlist that will speak to your SOUL and awaken your Relationship with Self

#4: Goddess Temple Cacao Deep Dive Dieta Future Enrolment Discount
You will experience the beginning of a deeper awakening and journey through this deep connection to the Cacao Spirit and you may be called to take this 16-Day Journey again (and again). Should you register in the future, you will pay $888 $555 USD for the group journey.
If you wish to take this 16 Day Deep Dive journey on your own and not in a group setting, or if you have any questions at all, please contact Judy here to discuss.
What will happen during the 16 Days DEEP DIVE?
- NO CHANGE TO YOUR DAILY SCHEDULE: You will continue living as normal, going to work or doing whatever you normally do during those 16 days. All ceremonies can take place in the comfort of your own home. There will be some specific days where you will eliminate social interactions and social media
- FOOD: You will enjoy certain foods and avoid others, in order to allow the Cacao Spirit to communicate with you most effectively
- There are THREE PHASES to the Goddess Temple Cacao Consciousness Deep Dive:
You will join a group call for Judy to share the intention & specifics of this magnificent and profound journey with the Cacao Spirit.
You will begin your special diet and spend the first 3 days preparing for the DEEP DIVE with little social interactions/social media (however still going to work or going through your normal day to day life, as usual). This phase is for introspective and preparing you to stay WITHIN during the Deep Dive
The Deep Dive period will begin and close with a DEEP DIVE CACAO CEREMONY with Judy, online (or you're welcome to join Judy in person if you are living in the same area). You will spend 8 days during the DEEP DIVE drinking a specific amount of CEREMONIAL CACAO twice daily, to connect deeply to the Spirit. During this time, you will experience profound insights into your life and your conditioned beliefs (Emotional Footprints). Judy will guide you daily to share all ideas, thoughts and changes with the Cacao Spirit rather than with others. This deep 8-day journey will ignite a profound shift in your intuition and connection to Infinite Source Consciousness.
You will spend the last 5 Post Deep Dive days experiencing more insights as the Cacao Spirit continues to work with you. You will also have a group call with Judy to wrap up the journey and a private Biko Method session with Konstantine Bisbikos from The Biko Institute to aid you in releasing your Emotional Footprints in a powerful way.
For those of you joining us for the Dieta, and desiring to host your own Cacao Ceremonies, you will receive the Dieta calling ongoing to deepen your relationship with the Spirit of Cacao and receive ongoing guidance, teaching and wisdom directly from her.
After registering, you will be sent full details of this 16-Day Goddess Temple Cacao Master Plant Medicine Deep Dive Dieta
and you will be guided every day by Judy, in this DEEP and profound connection with this Sacred Spirit