Thank You for Joining Us!

I hope your journey through the Ceremony was magical. Please share if you had any shifts or upgrades so we can continue to share with others! 

Below we share all that we included in our ceremony. 

Email Judy

Each of our ceremonies are


All our guests are always so grateful and experience Sacred healing and transformation. 

Integration is your next step

The experience in the ceremony is the catalyst. The integration is where the real evolution work begins. Continue to drink Cacao and to speak to her. Make her one of your beloveds. She wants to help you to evolve, now, without the need to suffer. 

See below for some support (5-Day Challenge) to learn how to drink her daily, and connect to her magnificent cosmic essence.  

Begin your morning ritual with Sacred Cacao

Join us as I guide you for 5 days straight, to drink your Ceremonial Cacao and connect to this DIVINE energy and presence, that wants nothing more than to open your heart. 

Here is the link to join us for this 5-Day Challenge.

The Magdalene Manuscript Book 

This is Mary Magdalen's personal story of her tantric relationship with Yeshua ben Joseph, known today as Jesus Christ. This is Her Story, revealing some of the deepest secrets of the Temples, as requested by Isis. To this remarkable test, Tom Kenyon has added a comparison of the major streams of internal alchemy, plus an in-depth look at Egyptian High Alchemy and a clarification of the Alchemies of Horus. Judi Sion, at the request of Mary Magdalen, has added One Woman's Story, which is every woman's story.

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Goddess Temple Cacao's PLALIST: Honouring Mary Magdalene 

Enjoy this beautiful playlist of songs for healing and celebration and remembering! 

Go to Playlist

Cacao Protein Shake 

Did you enjoy that delicious protein shake as a snack after the Cacao Ceremony? Judy has been searching everywhere for the perfect protein shake with very little sugar and a delicious cacao flavor.  She finally found one through her friend Susan. Judy's favorite way to enjoy these is to add a banana, peanut butter, and a small chunk of Ceremonial Cacao paste to make it crunchy 💥.  To order some directly, click here, and enjoy! 

Mary Magdalene Revealed BOOK

WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER-- The Gospel of Mary Magdalene reveals a very different love story from the one we've come to refer to as Christianity. Harvard-trained theologian Meggan Watterson leads us verse by verse through Mary's gospel to illuminate the powerful teachings it contains.

Here you can purchase the book

Here you can purchase the Oracle cards

Essential Oils Frankinsense & Ylang Ylang

Frankincense is correlated with one of the most prized possessions of ancient biblical times, as it was considered valuable enough to be given as a gift to Christ after his birth. Frankincense was also used during religious ceremonies for salves for soothing skin and perfume. Ylang Ylang has a special place in Judy's heart as THE oil of Mary Magdalene. Judy experiences the aroma and effects in her bath water and on her neck, face and belly button! Maybe you'll enjoy it these ways too? 

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Mary Magdalene Oracle Cards 

Throughout the ages, Magdalene has been seen as the Goddess of gentle strength and authority, bearer of infinite compassion and wisdom. Her energy and the timeless wisdom she embodies are perhaps more relevant today than ever before. Calling upon this energy, Magdalene Oracle provides insight and clarity into your current situation and helps answer your questions. The stunning card illustrations also offer healing beyond that which words alone can ever provide. 

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Mary Magdalene Movie


If you haven't already seen this movie, go and enjoy!!!


It is a beautiful depiction of Mary Magdalene and her healing heart. 


Mary Magdalene is a 2018 biblical drama film about the woman of the same name, written by Helen Edmundson and Philippa Goslett and directed by Garth Davis. It stars Rooney MaraJoaquin PhoenixChiwetel Ejiofor, and Tahar Rahim.


The film had its world premiere at the National Gallery on February 26, 2018. It was released in the United Kingdom on March 16, 2018, by Universal Pictures, in Australia on March 22, 2018, by Transmission Films, and in the United States on April 12, 2019, by IFC Films. It is the last film score completed by composer Jóhann Jóhannsson before his death.

Watch Here

If you would like to see what other Cacao Ceremonies we will be hosting soon, please click here

Let me know if you have any questions! 


Is CACAO calling to you?

Are you on an Accelerated Spiritual Journey with a higher calling to support the rise of the world's Collective Consciousness?  

Some are experiencing in 2 years an accelerated Spiritual Growth that would normally take a lifetime. Do you feel this is your experience??   

Are you feeling called to share this beautiful sacred medicine with others in Ceremony? 

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Do you need some Ceremonial Cacao for your daily Morning Cacao Ritual and Ceremony?

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